Follow That, Freak! is a groundbreaking comedy experience that combines the best of stand-up comedy with the surreal and bizarre world of freak shows. Born in 2023, this one-of-a-kind experience mixes the best local stand-up comedians with a midshow interruption that’ll leave your jaw on the floor.
What makes this show so freakin’ special?
We’re not your average comedy show, folks. We’ve taken the best parts of stand-up and freak shows and smashed ’em together into one mind-blowing experience. You’ll laugh, you’ll gasp, and you might even question your sanity – but we promise it’s all part of the fun.
How can I get tickets?
Just head over to FTF.LOL and boom – you’ll be redirected straight to the ticket page for our next show.
Is this show suitable for my innocent little angel?
Sorry, folks – this show is strictly 21 and up. We’re not trying to corrupt any young minds here.
How can I get in touch?
Email us at [email protected].
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